Lack of success on Amazon is often related to a non-or poorly coordinated strategy for Amazon. Whether you are already selling on Amazon or are just planning to offer your products on Amazon - the right strategy for Amazon is a must for your Amazon success.
We will work with you and develop a customized strategy for Amazon to set your business up for long-term success on Amazon. We advise you on all groundbreaking decisions, set goals for the next few years and develop a resilient strategy plan for Amazon.
Once the basic strategic questions have been determined, we work with you to define a marketing strategy for Amazon that is individually tailored to your company.
This strategy will include the following
tactical decisions are defined:
PPCadvertising strategy for Amazon
SEO search engine optimization advertising strategy
Operational Retail Management Processes for Amazon
“With the co-pilot support, we make our expertise available to our business partners and enable them to focus on core business issues such as product range expansion, product quality, and procurement. The performance-based compensation provides the right incentives for a successful long-term collaboration. There is no more efficient way to grow your Amazon business.”
Julian Wächter
Managing Director
Over the past few years, we have defined many Amazon business strategies and implemented numerous Amazon marketing strategies. Thanks to our performance-based compensation, we work full throttle towards our common goal of positioning your brand as the leader in your industry on Amazon. What you can expect from us?
Contact us. Whether advice, questions or concrete ideas, talk to us – we’d love to help.
Eine regelmäßige Überprüfung und ggf. Anpassung der Strategie für Amazon ist unerlässlich, um auf sich ändernde Markttrends und Kundenbedürfnisse zu reagieren. Hierbei monitoren wir stets die Verkaufs- und Performance-Daten, damit wir immer im Blick haben, welche Produkte und Kampagnen am erfolgreichsten sind und wo möglicherweise nachjustiert werden muss. Auch die Aktivitäten der Wettbewerber werden analysiert. So stellen wir fest, welche Taktiken diese verfolgen und wie wir darauf bestmöglich reagieren. Dabei haben wir nicht nur Zugriff auf die Berichte, die Amazon den Sellern zur Verfügung stellt, sondern auch spezifische Tools und Software, die uns zusätzliche Daten liefern, die es zu analysieren und interpretieren gilt. Daraus ergibt sich ein diverser Datensatz, aus dem wir die aktuelle Handlungsempfehlung ableiten.
Eine sorgfältige Überwachung der definierten Strategie gewährleistet, dass mögliche Abweichungen von unserem Kurs zeitnah erkannt werden. Auf diese Weise können wir unverzüglich geeignete Gegenmaßnahmen einleiten, um wieder auf Kurs zu kommen und unsere Zielsetzungen zu erreichen.
No, the choice of your fulfillment model depends on your strategy for Amazonand the size and characteristics of your products. In favor of FBA is the usually higher conversion rate, because customers know that they will not only receive the product extremely fast, but they can also send it back without any problems.
On the other hand, there are many cases where FBM makes more sense. For example, if you sell large products, you not only pay unnecessary delivery costs to transport the goods to the Amazon warehouse, the Amazon warehouse as well as shipping costs are also very high. Here, it often makes sense to ship the goods yourself and deposit shipping costs if necessary. Also, if bulky products are often ordered in larger quantities, it is worthwhile to deposit shipping costs in order to pass on the savings per product to the customer and at the same time to be able to offer a more favorable and thus competitive price on Amazon.
In the end, the choice between FBA and FBM is closely related to the strategy you are pursuing and how your company can best achieve the goals you have set.